Top 10 Winter Heating Safety Tips

Top 10 Winter Heating Safety Tips
  As the temperature in Grand Prairie, TX continues to drop, more homeowners will be relying on their heating system to stay cozy and comfortable indoors. Whether you’re using a furnace, fireplace, and other heating equipment, BV Air Conditioning & Heating wants you to be safe throughout the winter. Below are easy heating safety tips to follow depending on the heating system you’re using.


Properly maintained furnaces are very safe to use. However, with a repeated heating process involving fuel and flame, problems always can occur. Prevent any potential furnace issue by following these safety tips.
  • Make sure there’s proper ventilation. Talk to our experts to address your ventilation needs.
  • Schedule annual furnace maintenance or as advised in the user’s manual.
  • Clear the area around the furnace to avoid fire and allow proper airflow.
  • Install CO alarms throughout the house for maximum safety.

Space Heater

Whether you’re using a gas or electric space heater at home, it’s important that you know how to use it safely. Space heaters are commonly used as a supplemental heating device that’s why they are designed to be used anywhere. Here are some pointers to note when using this device.
  • Position the heater on a flat and solid surface.
  • Plug the heater directly to a power source. Never use extension cords.
  • Check the heater cords periodically for damaged and exposed wires. Discontinue use if you see any damage.
  • Do not attempt to use electric heaters in wet or damp areas like the bathroom.
  • For gas space heaters, use fuel that is advised by the manufacturer.

Fireplace & Wood-Burning Stove

If your home relies on fireplaces or wood-burning stove, make sure to keep these safety tips that concern these heating systems.
  • Don’t leave the fire unattended.
  • Clean your chimney as often as possible.
  • Don’t burn garbage (any type) in the fireplace.
  • Always be on guard for children playing around the gas stove or fireplace.
  • Keep any flammable stuff away from all heating equipment.
If you have inquiries about your heating system in Grand Prairie, TX, feel free to send them here. Our team at BV Air Conditioning & Heating will answer your questions quickly. Contact us for all your HVAC needs today!

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