5 Furnace Warning Signs You Should Know

5 Furnace Warning Signs You Should Know
Over time, your furnace may develop issues that can leave your Grand Prairie, TX, home unsafe and really uncomfortable. Good thing that there are signs that tell you that something is wrong with your heating unit. Once repairs are done, you can save your furnace and home as well. Keep an eye on these five (5) warning signs of a failing furnace.

Old Age

If yours has reached its retirement age, it is wise to start shopping for a new unit. When your furnace begins to fail or falter in one way or another, it means that some components have worn out that require repair or replacement. Check your user manual or coordinate with its manufacturer regarding the age of your furnace.

Increased Energy Bills

Furnaces that have not been properly maintained lose their efficiency through the years. As a consequence, they have to run longer than normal to provide the heat based on your comfort needs. This is why your electric bills are continuously going up.

Disturbing, Unfamiliar Noises

Those strange sounds that you hear from your furnace are indications of an issue in the unit. Spare some of your time observing your furnace for banging, popping, rattling, or squealing noises. These sounds mean that something in the blower or other parts of the system are damaged or worn out. Get this issue fixed by calling your trusted HVAC contractor immediately.

You’re Getting Sick More Often

It’s not always that you get flu or cold even if you stay most of the day indoors. But with a malfunctioning furnace, you are more prone to illnesses especially with clogged filters and cracks on the heat exchangers. Cracks that developed in the heat exchanger might cause carbon monoxide to leak resulting in flu-like symptoms, headaches, nausea, and other similar health problems. Have your furnace inspected by an expert technician to detect and resolve existing and future issues on the unit.

Changes in Flame Color

Your furnace’s burner should only produce a blue flame. If you see any colors than blue like yellow or orange flame, it means that the unit is seriously damaged. Yellow flame has other implications such as leaks in the chimney or vent, rust in the pipes, carbon monoxide diffusion, and more. Give your technician a call after you noticed a yellow flame on the burner. Watch out for these signs! Call us at BV Air Conditioning & Heating, the moment you see any of these warning symptoms. We offer comprehensive furnace services in Grand Prairie, TX, and nearby areas. Talk to our experts for your comfort needs.

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